Happy Thursday, everybody!
Just when I'm finally ready to make a new post with pictures, I can't find the USB cord for my Blackberry! Hubby probably has it.
So after four months with this set of locks, I've learned that I have to separate them constantly or else they will tangle beyond recognition. One would think the sides or the back would be bad from sleeping on them. But noooooo, it's the crown that wants to become one giant lock with tentacles. I have spent countless hours
retwisting reestablishing parts and enough is enough! I am now a believer in the importance of separating locs. So much for "keeping my hands out of my hair". Looks like they need to stay in there if I don't want these 232 locs to become 58. I think I need to GENTLY twist my hair once or twice a week.
Good News
My locs are getting firm. It's still to soon to try any real styles or roller setting, though. I occasionally pin back the sides for variety.The locks at the nape of my neck look and feel more mature than the rest. That surprised me because the hair in that area is looser than the rest.